Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Don't Worry It Was Only Smoke

Well today I thought I would make a roast for dinner. I put the roast in the oven and then took the kids outside to use chalk on the driveway. We were having fun and then we heard the smoke detector going off. I came inside to find the oven control panel smoking. I turned off the oven and went back outside and one of the daycare parents called 911. Well in rush the fireman. Two big fire trucks block each end of the street and a third pulls up and then the rescue pickup truck comes also. As they are pulling up Luke calls to say he is on his way home from work and I have to quickly explain to him that the fire department is here and not to worry. Meanwhile Ella is totally freaking out and the neighbors take her with them. The firemen get in the house and decide that it was an electrical short in the oven and the walls were very close to catching fire on the inside. They had this little camera thing that should them how hot the walls were. They were trying to find the breaker to the oven and shut off power to it. Then I here them counting to three and they ripped my oven out of the wall. Then the proceeded to cut to wires off of it and drop it in my front yard. So that was my day. Ella is totally freaked out and kept talking out how there was no fire just smoke and how she saved my cupcake pans. She was so worked up about it. So the pictures that you see are the whole in my kitchen and the oven in the front yard. The best will be tomorrow. I have an interview for a new kid, the state will have to come out and investigate because of the fire, we have called in three contractors to come and give estimates and Luke is out of town for the day at a meeting, and I have to be to work at Wegmans at 6:30. Does anyone have a drink? As always more to come. Oh and Ella needs a birthday cake for this weekend. I have many offers for ovens, am afraid to use them.

p.s. I could not get the pictures the load so I will work on those later


Cammie said...

I'm happy you're all safe, oh and I'm happy Ella saved the cupcake pans :) Good Luck today with the aftermath, let me know if there's anything I can do.


Greg said...

How did the roast turn out?