Friday, October 19, 2007

I've been tagged

Jobs I have had:
1) Little Ceasers
2) Second shift factory
3) Special Ed preschool teacher
4) day care provider (current)
5) Party lite consultant
6) cashier (current)
7) Stay at home mom (current)

Places I have lived:
1) Canastota, NY
2) Aurora, NY
3) Scipio Center, NY
4) Auburn, NY

Food I love:
1) Mexican
2) Italian
3) Chinese
4) Chocolate

Places I would rather be:
1) Ireland
2) A beach anywhere
3) In bed sleeping
4) Hawaii, another dream destination ditto cammie

Movies I love:
1) Anne of Green Gables
2) Secret Garden
3) The Jerk
4) Dora Halloween HA HA HA HA

TV Shows I Watch:
1) It's so sad but almost any reality show you can count on me being hooked on, ditto cammie
2) Grey's Anatomy Oh Mc anything!!!!!
3) Desperate Housewives
4) LasVegas

Books I Love:
1) One More day by Mitch Albom(sp) Same as Tuesday with Morrie
2) Anything by Dr. Seuss

I will tag Marcia. I do not know her blog name, but I am pretty sure it should have something to do with Land O Lakes. HA HA HA HA HA HA You're it!

1 comment:

Mimi to Ian, Liliana and Cooper said...

Dora Halloween???!!!!
Oh Honey, you gotta get out more :-)